The Career Seekers Directory

The Career Seekers Directory


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Career Change
Directory listings of consultants specializing in helping professionals transition from one career to another.
Career Tests
Directory listings of companies offering aptitude tests, personality tests, occupational interest inventories and career guidance.
Counseling and Management
Directory listings of sites that provide career counseling, resume preparation, skills assessment, job search strategies, career management objectives or job placement opportunities.
Directory listings with guides to the top sites for job seekers and those starting new careers, including where to find employers and general career advice.
Education and Training
Directory listing of education and training centers for job seekers, divided into categories by profession.
Aromatherapy- Arts- Auto Repair- Beauty Schools- Business Development- Business Management- Business Opportunities- Clothing- Computers- Construction and Maintenance- Cooperatives- Driving- Education- Financial Services- Health and Safety- Hospitality- Household Management- Human Resources- Investing- Law Enforcement- Manual Skills- Media Production- Publishing and Printing- Quality Control and Tracking- Race-Ethnic-Religious Relations- Real Estate- Retail Trade- Team Building- Technology- Telecommunications- Textiles and Nonwovens- Transportation- Writing Workshops and Courses
Human Resources

Compensation and Benefits- Employee Relations
Interview Advice
Directory listings that provide interview techniques, coaching and advice on how to answer challenging interview questions.
Job References
Directory listings providing job seekers with a confidential, professional employment reference checking service to confirm the accuracy of job references being given by former employers.
Job Search
Directory listings offering services and tools to assist with an online job search, including job postings.
Entry Level and Internships- Executive Search- Job Fairs- Recruiters- Resume Advice- Seasonal- Staffing Services- World-Wide
Directory listings that provide executive outplacement services to corporations.
Resumes and Portfolios
Directory listings of firms that provide resume and cover letters, web resumes, tips and resources.
Self Employment
Directory listings of sites that provide ideas, tips and inspiration for free agents, independent professionals, and freelancers.
Canada- Home Based Opportunities- Job Referral Services- United Kingdom
Directory listings of companies providing online training, testing and evaluation software.
Online Training- Testing and Evaluation
Surveys and Statistics
Directory listings providing analysis of salary and wage survey data, executive compensation, cost of living, and geographic differentials for relocation and pay planning.

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